Warehouse address

Warehouse in Germany
L.Paegle für Name Surname* | /Name der Kontaktperson/ |
Pastor Dr Fuchs Weg 1 | /Straße/ |
Süsel | /Ort/ |
23701 | /Postleitzahl/ |
Deutschland | /Land oder Region/ |
+49 15751515791 | /Telefonnummer/ |
*ATTENTION! Due to the requirements of the German delivery services (DHL and Deutsche Post), you must take care when indicating the addressee of a delivery. Please, leave the first part of the addressee "L.Paegle für" unchanged and replace “Name Surname” with your name and surname without diacritics.
For example: "L.Paegle für Andris Berzins".
Please note that not complying with these requirements may cause the package not to be handed out to the person accepting packages at the Germany warehouse and to be returned to the sender. When placing an order, the name and surname on the package must coincide with that indicated in the order application.

Warehouse in Great Britain
Name Surname(LPclearance)* | /contact name/ |
REAR OF 33, Hanworth Road | /Home street address/ |
Sunbury-on-Thames, Surrey | /Town,City & County/ |
TW16 5DA | /postcode/ |
United Kingdom | /Country or Region/ |
+44 7722559417 | /mobile phone number/ |
*In the field “Name, Surname”, write your name and surname without diacritics and leave the surname indicated in the brackets unchanged. For example: Andris Berzins (LPclearance). Name and surname on the package must be the same as registered in system.
It is not necessary to place an order from the UK warehouse in the system. As soon as the warehouse receives a shipment addressed to you, the order will be created automatically in the customer's account within 1-2 working days. After receiving the shipment, it will be necessary to identify it's contents (a photo with a label and tracking number will be attached to the order), edit the order and indicate the actual content and value of the shipment for customs purposes.
CAUTION! New delivery address will accept orders from 01.10.2021!
Receipt of shipments at the previous address (FK9 5AU) will be provided until 15.10.2021 (incl.).
NEW! Warehouse in Poland
Name Surname(DeltaSport)* | /contact name/ |
Nowa Sucha 58C | /Home street address/ |
96-513 | /postcode/ |
Nowa Sucha, Mazowieckie | /Town,City & County/ |
Polska | /Country or Region/ |
+48 660930612 | /mobile phone number/ |
*In the field “Name, Surname”, write your name and surname without diacritics and leave the surname indicated in the brackets unchanged. For example: Andris Berzins (DeltaSport)B>. Name and surname on the package must be the same as registered in system.
Until the introduction of the new ordering system (year 2022), orders from the Polish warehouse will not appear in the system. Cost calculation - according to the German price list.