Deliveries from online stores
Now you also have your address in Great Britain, Germany & Poland! You can use these addresses in cases if the seller of the goods has indicated in the delivery information that it dispatches the goods only in the territory of Great Britain, Germany or Poland. Our addresses can be used for purchases from other countries.
We ensure deliveries from all Internet stores which offer delivery to our addresses. In order to find a suitable shopping place use some of the Internet browsers (for example, GOOGLE) or follow the PayPal guide with a list of stores in which you will have a possibility to take the opportunities offered by the PayPal payment system quickly and safely.
A lot of the stores offer an opportunity to pay with bank cards, as well, therefore consider which type of the payments seem the most suitable for you – a payment by card or via PayPal.
We provide:
- delivery from the DE & PL warehouse to our warehouse in Riga – from 7.00€ (Shoe size box ~2kg)
- delivery from the warehouse (Great Britain) to the Riga warehouse - from €17.00 (incl. customs administration costs)*
- 2 or more parcels in one delivery – from the 2nd parcel from 2.30€ (only from Germany)**,
- regular deliveries according to the trip schedule,
- delivery within the entire territory of Latvia to the door (DPD or OMNIVA) (+ 9.50€ each parcel),
- delivery to OMNIVA parcel machine within the entire territory of Latvia (+ 4.40€).
Find out the warehouse address, shop online, and receive your purchases anywhere in Latvia!
Delivery price to Riga warehouse includes:
- receipt and storage in the warehouse until the date of transportation,
- sorting, completion and combination of parcels individually for each customer,
- delivery in Riga office at the specified delivery times.
How should be am order made and the goods received in Latvia?
- Log in the site ebaypiegā and activate an account in order to find out the address of our warehouse;
- Save the warehouse address as the primary postage address;
- Purchase the chosen goods and indicate the address of our warehouse as a recipient’s address;
- Make an order in the system and wait for delivery of your goods in Latvia;
*With the withdrawal of the United Kingdom (hereinafter - UK) from the European Union (hereinafter - EU), a new procedure for the export of goods by road transport from the UK to Latvia (hereinafter - LR) is effective from January 1, 2021.All shipments and cargo from the UK are subject to customs procedures.Purchases in online stores can be made in the same way as before, specifying our UK address in the delivery information.Upon receiving shipments in LR, they can be declared and cleared through customs in the "Import customs declaration for postal shipments" section of the VID EDS e-service.We also offer customs brokerage services and the preparation of customs declarations at an additional costs.The transport price includes the costs of the administration of customs/declarable shipments.
**Combining and bundling of shipments is done only for orders from the German warehouse!For shipments from the United Kingdom (Great Britain), the cost will be calculated for each package unit separately.1 package = 1 order number = starting from €17.00.
The service price shall be calculated according to the actual dimensions, weight and number of packages of the received goods.
In order to reduce the transportation costs, ask the seller to use a packaging suitable for the size of the goods!